My loved one is always asking what day it is. Many times I will answer the question. After the 5th or 6th time it gets very frustrating. My question, is how do I handle this situation without getting frustrated? Often times I will try to distract or re-direct but she keeps coming back to the same question. Do I just need to get over it?
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Hi Ms. Jackson,
I'm Marie and I am a nurse educator hired with Upward Care. It does sound frustrating to see your loved one ask the same question(s) throughout the day. Mrs O'Brien has a lot of very good points to offer. I have experience with working with patients who ask a lot of the same questions over and over. One thing as a nurse we often have same routines. Feeding, grooming, t.v. time and activities are done at the same time everyday, each day. We remind the patients where they are in several ways.
One way is through music that they love. Music creates an anchor to a memory that the brain has not forgotten as hearing is the last part of the brain to lose connection. Playing music at the same time, each time, 5 minutes before an activity can improve awareness and concentration and focus. Second, writing on poster boards and placing these memory devices on our loved one's wall can help grasp time and space. A dry erase board with the date can ease a lot of anxiety. A personalized poster with photos of family and friends and their names helps to remember faces, names and relationships.
Thirdly, we grasp on to things we find interesting. Open up with conversation that states who your loved one is and what they do. Many people find this is comforting to them. For example, 'You are the mother of two children and you love to sing." The person often responds with familiarity or relief that they are being told. Also add, it's (the time) and we always do this at this time. Keep to routine.
Use calendars to help your loved one find the date. Ask them to place a mark to signify their presence in helping themselves discover what day it is. Try your best to encourage them to do activities that relieve stress and increase their own awareness. When they participate in their awareness it encourages them and decreases frustration in both parties. I wish you all well and thank you for reaching out!